7/10 明代宫廷美食生活剧,前2/3有大长今的影子,30+集剧情突然转向,略生硬,圆了之前的傅樱之憾,但女主最终还是将自己关进了大笼子,立意终不如大长今; 对中华美食文化源远流长、器物之精良、古代礼仪、对嫔妃生殉制度不人道的呈现和闺蜜紫萍的最终离开是亮点
it doesnt mean anything to him. it doesnt mean anything to me. get it tgt, i wont let this happen again. ill will be so out of here. i see a sparkle in your eye, so afraid of that sparkle, remembered me n you talkin like, when i was doing it, i had no idea whats happening in my head like, is this flirting? u said u wanna come inside of me. ugh always i do some dumb sh1t, looking for attention, deep in mind you are the one i wanna come to, cause im sure you are so sick of hearing this, a great point.